A Trip To Guthrie’s Pumpkin Patch

…with Isaac’s Pre-K class.  That’s why I have been away from posting coupons and specials, I had to come in and work early.  By the way, 10 to 12 hour days are not fun.  Hats off to you that do that.  I can’t do it, but for my family I will in a heart beat.  So Chrystal and I went with him and his class.

First off Guthrie’s is in Riceville, TN.  On the map it is somewhere between Cleveland, TN and Athens, TN.  Getting off the exit you are expecting a horse and buggy coming down the road.  I told Isaac, “I do believe we are in the middle of nowhere.”  He said, “where is that at?”  I said, “It is here.”

When we pulled in there we were met by a massive playground.  With the biggest and coolest slide I’ve ever seen.  Then you could rope a bull and there was a tractor to climb on.  Also there was a petting zoo, a corn maze, the pumpkin patch, AND A ZOMBIE PAINTBALL!!!!!!

Here is the playground

This is the massive slide.  I think Isaac went up and down it a 1000 times.  I did go down it for those who wanted to know.  Before I went up it Isaac stopped me at the bottom and said, “daddy don’t go down it I don’t want you to get hurt.”  Yes I am clumsy.  I’m the only person to have jumped a ditch and dislocated a shoulder.

Then it was time to board the wagon.  Chrystal and I loaded up on the wagon with the small child and his group of friends.  They were being boys and just loud.  One of the dads said, “I now have a new respect for these teachers.”  That is totally true…  I couldn’t do it.  We made it down to the patch and they had all kinds of pumpkins.  Most of them were really small, but they were of different colors.  One of the guys said the tannish looking ones were good for baking.  All I could think of was a pumpkin pie.  I was done for like five minutes and hungry.  We picked up some good size pumpkins and headed back up to the top.

After that Isaac wanted to slide down the slide some more.  I don’t blame him.  Then we made it over to the petting zoo.  He wanted quarters to feed the animals.  So we got him some corn and we fed the goats, made friends with the calves, horses, and bunnies.  Then he went through the obstacle course with all of his friends.  That kid was hot and sweaty.

Guthrie’s is a short and sweet pumpkin patch.  Meaning if you want to go for a few hours and not have to stay the whole day to do fun activities it’s your place.  The cost is $9 for adults 13 and up.  5-12 is $7.  Under 4 is free.  Pumpkins are .40 cents a pound.  The price includes everything minus the zombie paintball.  It’s definitely worth the trip.

Family time is a must…  The more and more I coupon, the more and more I have my family on my mind.  Yes it is a rush getting a good deal, but it means that I can save money for my family.  Family time is better than any stock pile.








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